Wednesday, February 28, 2007

For Those in Harm's Way

Human Rights Watch posted this letter, including many signatories from leaders in the Episcopal Church, opposing the impending legislation in Nigeria that would make homosexuality a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment in that country.

Archbishop Peter Akinola supports this heinous bill. The public silence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Primates on this matter has been disheartening.

I have one four-letter word in response:


. . .and then do whatever else you can.


June Butler said...

Tell me again why TEC is the bad boy.

This makes me ill. Your advice is excellent Richard.

Anonymous said...

The primatal silence is the price for remaining at the table, don't ya know.

Anonymous said...

"What we can do" is to get Davis Mac-Iyalla, head of Changing Attitudes Nigeria, out of the country and into our U.S. churches so he educate, advocate and agitate against Akinola and for LGBT Nigerians.

Davis's life is in danger, he's the only LGBT activist in the Nigerian Church, a national figure with scorn heaped upon his head and death threats posted on his door, and most Episcopalians are so enthralled with the KJS-Williams-Akinola Friday Night Fights that we don't bother to notice we're passing right by a poor man bleeding and beaten by robbers and thugs.

Davis needs a Samaritan who will ACT.

Please, lobby Episcopal Migration Ministries at 815 to take up his cause!

Josh Thomas

episcopalifem said...

I pray about this issue every day.

Saint Pat said...

Good plan, anonymous. I would surely like to see the P.B. making some noise about this -- along with all the other primates.